November 26, 2017
July 12, 2016
April 09, 2015
SKETCH Hong Kong昨日舉行傳媒發佈會,介紹今年聯同家電品牌Miele推出的以香港傳統特色美食為主題的速寫活動SKETCH Hong Kong Food。飲食文化能夠見證社會的變遷,活動將會重點探索元朗、深井、長洲、屏山和油麻地的地道飲食文化及背後的故事。
Sketch Hong Kong exhibition shows how art is flowering in the grassroots By South China Morning Post
June 30, 2016
A few years ago, people in Hong Kong started using the phrase “lei dei”, meaning “lifted off the ground”, to describe politicians and officials deemed too detached from the real world. Today, the phrase is used to attack anything that challenges the intellect or purse. Abstract, conceptual art and the prices it commands at auction are easy targets.
June 29, 2016
SKETCH Hong Kong’s 2016 exhibition will open tomorrow, 1 July, at Pacific Place, presenting a fresh perspective on Hong Kong’s architectural and cultural heritage. The exhibition showcases 58 works of art, from sketches to watercolour paintings, that demonstrate the talent of a range of amateur artists, and they depict historical buildings all over the city, as well as restaurants, markets and traditional Hong Kong dishes.
July 15, 2016